Thursday, October 2, 2008

The importance of sensorship

We have worked over the past 4 years to purge all bad words from our language & house. We've even purged grey area words like instead of "butt" we say "bum". Or "oh my Gosh" is not allowed, instead we say, "oh my goodness". This has been very successful until tonight. Darren was watching the SNL spoof of a Palin / Clinton speech. It is VERY funny by the way & here is a link if you haven't seen it yet.

Well at somepoint while Darren is watching this, Oscar goes into the office & looks over Darren's shoulder just in time to hear "Clinton" say "boner shrinker". Oscar laughs & says, "boner shrinker? What is that?" Oh my...that was one of those hilarous moments that you are not allowed to laugh at or the kid will think they are being funny & repeat the phrase for a year.

Anyway - I guess it just goes to reinforce the one time a kid sees or hears something they shouldn't will be the one time they are paying attention.


Unknown said...

That's funny...
But why is Oh my Gosh bad?

Goodworth Family said...

one reason why having speech issues in my kid isn't so bad. THis way - I can know that he is saying something "naughty" (though boner shrinker may top the cake) but noone else knows. I'll be sure to ask Oscar about it next time I see him - I'll try to do it as prime Church leaders walk by too!