Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thanks Mom

Last night was the perfect storm... for no sleep for me.

Darren is out of town.

Jack was up 3 times. Teeth I guess. Who knows really. He is a baby after all.

Oscar's overnight pull-up didn't make it over night so I had to change his jammies, sheets, etc.

And Calvin. Sweet Calvin was up most of the night w/ a runny nose. Apparently for him the discomfort of a runny nose is enough to cause great distress. We were up from 10-midnight the first round. At which point I drugged him.... w/ the night time cold & cough stuff. Hey - I know but you do what you have to right? Then Jack was up at 1am. Then Calvin again at 2am. Then Jack at 3am. Then about 3:30 I started to wonder if I'd been PUNKED. Or for those of you over 50... I was looking for the candid camera. At 4am when Calvin's crying woke up Jack the three of us sat on my bed & cried together. We all have weak moments right? Everyone finally fell asleep at 4:45.... until 5:30. And somewhere in the middle of this all the neighbors cats started to mate or something that sounded horrible. And I started to want to find & kill the person who invented the phrase "sleep like a baby". What does that mean? And who DOES sleep good. Not babies, not toddlers. Not mommies. Who!

Now Calvin & I are downstairs walking around in a haze of sleepiness.

So all of this is leading to me saying, "thanks mom". I know you had your share of these nights too w/ my brother & I. Each day, I have a new found respect for you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

And Here we go...

For the past 4 1/2 years I've been a stay at home mom. Now I'm starting a new phase...18 years of being a carpool mom. My oldest child started preschool this week.

For those of you who know Oscar this is a BIG deal. He is a smart, fun, energetic boy... that doesn't like change so much. This is a BIG change. My dear friend Anna told me about a book called, Llamma Llamma misses mama where the little Llamma goes to preschool. That has helped.

Logistally none of us were prepared for "school". We had to go to 4 stores to fill his preschool supply list. Yes his PRESCHOOL supply list. I'm still floored by that. We got him new clothes, new shoes & a brand new backpack. We went to "met the teacher day" & toured the school, Hilltop Christian. Here are Calvin & Oscar playing w/ another boy (the other red-head) at meet the teacher day.

One thing that was awesome about "meet the teacher day" was Oscar saw his name already all over the room. This is us looking at the birthday list & his name was under Novermber. He thought that was cool. A side note: when I got home & reviewed our pictures I noticed the HUGE Louis Vuitton bag in the shot & thought, I need to get Oscar hooked up w/ THAT family... maybe he can marry into $$. (kidding of course)
So on Oscar's first day I was all nervous about how it would go.... and it went GREAT. Thanks to lots of prayers. He went right in & did great the whole time!

He even jumped out of the mini van in the drop off line and walked in all by himself like a very big boy. And when I went in to pick him up was so excited to go back on Friday. Who is this kid & what has he done w/ my Oscar!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This is what my awesome husband gave to me today. For no reason what so ever... other than that he loves me. I'm a lucky girl.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Playdate wow

So today we went to visit my friend & her 4 kids (3 boys & a girl ages 4-10) in McMinville. They live in boy heaven. There is tons of grass to run & play. There is a huge tree w/a tire swing. A giant slope of forest w/ a creek at the bottom. My boys were in heaven.