Saturday, April 26, 2008


We've just started the final phase of our interior remodeling.... the basement. Demo was this weekend. Darren & two guys from our church demo'd the basement back to the foundation walls. Here is a shot of our dining room table - one full floor above the demolition.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Lunch time....

Meals are never boring here at the Lewis house. During lunch today Oscar serenaded us with "On top of Spaghetti".

And here is Calvin enjoying a lunch of left over black bean soup.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Playdate today...

So our weekly playdate w/ the Bailly's was today. It was fun as always. Amelia, 1 1/2 years old was talking up a storm.

This is my favorite photo:

Here is Oscar having a Mission Impossible moment:

And Calvin happy as a clam!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

"the tone"

Oscar is only 3 years old and already has that "tone" in his voice. Not only that, there are occasions already when he seems to think that I don't have a clue. Case in point....

We were reading a book & I pointed out that there was a teddy bear. He goes, "no it's a baby". And followed it up w/ a , "Mommy, it's okay - you'll get it." - as in I don't GET IT but will someday. Maybe. To top it off he patted my leg while he said it.

On another occasion I was trying to explain to him that the little ball that rolls around in his play level from his tool bench represents the bubble in daddy's real level. He laughs, walks out of the room & says, "Silly mommy. A ball isn't a bubble. A bubble is a bubble."

Cute stuff now, but wait until he's 12.

Pump it up....

It is a bouncy heaven for children! We were invited to the 3rd birthday party of one of Oscar's friends this weekend at a place called Pump it Up Jr. Our first time & WOW was it a cool spot for a kids b-day. Oscar was a bit sceptical of the mega bouncy toys and preferred to watch but Calvin dived right in.

After play time they shuffle us all into a party room for pizza & birthday cupcakes.

And one last note. Oscar shocked us all by writing... YES WRITING his & Morgan (the b-day girls) name on her card. See...

All in all it was a fantastic day!!

Friday, April 4, 2008


Here's a few pic's of our "at home" playtime .

On the piano...

Craft time w/ Egg cartons...

"Alone" time...


This year we spent Easter with all our local family plus Great Grandma Grace. We ate fantistic food, the kids had an Easter egg hunt & treated the adults were treated to a puppet show!

Let's start again....

Hello All!!

So as I was saying, apparently everyone and thier 3 year old is blogging these days. In an effort not to become an old fuddy duddy. I've started a blog on behalf of my lovely family.

So...Welcome to the Lewis Family Blog. Where you can check in to see "the low down" on our family.

I'll do my best to keep quasi - frequent posts. Especially for those out of town family who don't get to see us all that often. So keep an eye out for updates...