Wednesday, October 28, 2009

All the Fuss

If you follow me on Facebook you already know that Darren is out of town and Jack has been up every hour all night for a few nights in a row. That makes for a very tired mommy. However, as it turns out there is a reason for everything. Here is what all the fuss was about. His first & second tooth!!

Oscar's 1st School Pictures

So we all remember having school pictures. How there were some kids who would look fantastic & those of us who looked like we rolled out of bed on the wrong side. My kindergarten pic has become legendary among those of you who knew me growing up.
Anyway - today we got Oscar's 1st school picuture. Perhaps I'm bias but isn't he the most handsome little guy there? Keep in mind these are snapshot of the photo's as they hang on my fridge!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


We've just finished rearranging our 1st floor. The formal office is now a playroom. Here is a photo. The kids LOVE it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Family Fun Festival

Here are some shots from last night's Family Fun Festival at Oscar's preschool.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why my kids will be embarrased by me....

You always hear about stories of teen agers begging their parents to drop them off blocks away from the school. I’ve always wondered what these parents could have done to make their kids so embarrassed of them…. until today. I often put Jack (and Calvin and Oscar before him) up on the counter & do my kitchen chores or cook. I usually have music on. And in order to entertain the babies I dance. Like a crazy person. Seriously.

I am also guilty of breaking into song if there is a silence of longer than 1 minute (in the presence of just my kids of course). I do this un-ashamed and loudly.

The kids LOVE my dancing and singing. They are 7m, 2 ½ and 4 ½ . So my theory is that we parents act CRAZY because little kids think it is funny. We act in front of them in a way we act in front of no one else. In front of everyone else we are together, dignified, etc. We don’t show that side to our kids though because it isn’t funny.

We show them the crazy.

Is it any wonder why as they grow up they don’t want their friend to see us? They THINK we are crazy!!