Friday, June 20, 2008

We are not in Kansas anymore...

Used to be 2 hours of u-pick'ing & I'd have enough of one berry for the year. Then came kids.

We got all ready to go picking strawberries. Full sunscreen, lots of tubs for berries. Water, snacks, etc. We drive there. Things are going great. We are car #3. The field is empty. Calvin starts eating EVERTHING. Red berries, green berries, moldy berries, leaves, dirt.... Yikes. Oscar announces he has to go poopie. So we gather up everything & head back to the main barn. There are outhouses. Try helping a 3 year old go potty in an outhouse while not loosing the 1 year old. Oscar has a fear of toilets flushing automatically. Once I convinced this that wasn't going to happen - he realized that an outhouse means all the pee & poop is in a bucket of sorts under the seat. He starts to gag. Maybe 20 mintues later I get him to pee (not poop) & we return to the field. During the pee drama the greater metro area of mommies & thier toddlers have descended on the field & it is PACKED. A few minutes later I realize that berry picking w/ little kids is more of an OUTING than anything else. Here is the total amount of berries we returned home w/ after the morning at the farm. Fun? Yes. And we got enough berries for dessert. For one night.


Unknown said...

ohhhh man, what a morning for all of you!

I gag at out houses too. Can't even go near them.

I'm gaging now.


Let's just you and I go again. Men can watch the babies!

Ethan said...

Glad you were able to take home the berries in your pocket!