Monday, October 24, 2011

One of those weeks.....

Have you ever had one of THOSE weeks? 
In the past few days we've been to the doctor / urgent care 3 tims for 2 of the boys. Yikes.
Oscar, it seems has something called "virus triggered asthma" or "reactive airways". We thought he was just prone to pnemonia and ear infections. For years we've know that it takes him like 12 hours to go from well to coughing until he pukes. Turns out maybe it doesn't have to get that far every time he gets a cold. We are now working with a pediatrician that specializes in asthma and hopefully this is the last cold where he cough until he throws up for hours before falling asleep every night. HOPEFULLY. We'll keep you posted on that.
And then little Jack. We are *THIS* close to bubble wrapping him. While jumping off an ottoman he sprained his ankle so he's limping around the house. Thankfully he didn't break anything. Not sure I can take another broken bone this year....

So. That is our little update. It isn't as bad as it seems. I maybe it is and we just are the "glass half full" kind of people. We are all in great spirits concidering that Jack in limping around while Oscar coughs up a lung in the background.

Wanna come for a visit? I dare you......


Stephanie said...

Oy Vey!! I am all for bubble wrap.. we could totally market that and make millions! :)

Praying for a healthy and safe end of the year for all of you!!

Melissa said...

i really don't even know what to say. sometimes when it rains it pours, i guess. glad you are in good spirits, and half-full-glass kind of family. i guess it doesn't help to be negative. a good perspective is best. and i'm all for bubble wrap at this point. at least until he's 8.