Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Berry Picking

So if you know me you will be shocked to hear that this morning was my / the boys first time berry picking this summer. Typically we go at least every other week.... but as you know we've been "distracted" this summer. Anyway - we headed out to Blueberry hill this am but I totally spaced what day it was and it was closed.... so we kept driving and found another farm. Turned out to be super fun. They even had a playstructure near the barn.

You'll all remember Calvin is a great picker..... but not a great saver. He eats them all. His mouth is always always always full. He's always been that way.

The farm had some fun kid stuff....

Don't they look so sweet?

The end of a long morning working on the farm. We didn't pick tons... only about 5 pounds of blueberries. That is more than other times in the past. And no we were not able to avoid using the port a potties. Gross. For some reason little boys need to go whenever they see one.

But honestly with kids this young I go berry picking more for the experience, memories & outdoor time on a farm than just for the berries. Coming home w/ berries is just a bonus.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

First of all, how fun. I have yet to berry pick with the kids. Shame on me!! Thanks for reminding me its not about the take home amount but the time spent together!

Second of all, how on EARTH do you get them to keep hats on. All of them. Mine have NEVER worn hats.. totally refuse. Sigh...

Enjoy all those berries! :)