Monday, August 25, 2008

Super Fun Weekend

What a great weekend. Saturday we went to the third birthday party of one of Oscar's buddys, Chance. It was really fun. Water play. Cake. Visiting w/ my mommy friends I haven't seen FOREVER.

Here is the b-day boy!!

Here are all the little kids acting much like little adults sitting quietly while eating. That is Calvin on the left & Oscar second from the right.
And Calvin soaked to the bone but having a blast!

Then Sunday we went to the zoo. What a great day. Perfect weather. Active animals...

No zoo day is complete w/o a preliminary stop at Starbucks. Here are the Lewis men...

Play time on pretend animals.

Petting the goats.

1 comment:

Jenni Clayville said...

LOVE your pictures! Thanks for posting that one of Chance. It was SOOOOO good to see you! I've missed you so much!

And, tell Oscar that Chance LOVES LOVES LOVES his firetruck. When I say "loves" I mean he's played with that more than anything else.

Way to go, Oscar!