Sunday, November 13, 2011

Oscar is 7!!!

Oscar turned 7 years old saturday.  I can't believe I have a 7 year old.  7 is a great age.  He has moments when I catch glimmers of the man he will be one day and moments where he is still just a little boy. 

So we let him plan the entire day.  Here is what his perfect birthday day looked like:

Chocolate pancakes for breakfast.

It was decided that we all had to wear hats.  And make and eat cinnamon rolls.

Then we went bowling:

This was our first time at Big Al's.  Wow. 

Then off to Red Robin for lunch.

And home to open presents:

He got his first Skateboard.  Quite a moment for a boy.

Lasagna for dinner.

And finally a 4 layer chocolate-vanilla-chocolate-vanilla cake with NO frosting.

It was a good day.  Love you little man. You changed our lives.  Thanks for that!


Stephanie said...

What a great day for Oscar. For all of you!

Happy Birthday big boy!

Melissa said...

that sounds like the perfect day! and i have to agree 100%, 7 is a GREAT age.
happy birthday mr. o!