Saturday, September 20, 2008

Applesauce day

We have a HUGE apple tree in our backyard. So every year, since we moved here we have picked the apples, made and canned applesauce. This year was no different. This was our 5th year doing this & we set records! Our supportive family always comes over to help & w/o them we would only be able to do a fraction of what actually gets done. Today we canned 80 quarts of applesauce. Yes 80. Now my mother tells me that on the farm she grew up on her & her mom used to can 100 quarts of each fruit annually. But for a pregnant city girl 80 quarts is amazing. And in case you are wondering.... yes we will eat them all this year. Over the years we have quite a system figured out.

First we pick. Take a close look at this loaded tree. This shot was after we picked 14 grocery bags full. There are at least 6 left Darren says.

Then we core, slice & peel. Darren's job this year.

Then we cook and season the applesauce. My mother & mother in law who self-lessly slave away for us.

Then we can it.

Not bad huh?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks GREAT! I can't beleive you all did so much!

Maybe you could make your pictures bigger? It's hard to see the detail.