Sunday, January 18, 2009

Update on our weekend

If you ever doubted God's ability to orchestrate your life, our weekend was a stellar example.

We had a date weekend set up for December where the boys were going to spend the weekend w/ my mom & dad while we partied down. Then the snow storm hit. So we rescheduled for this weekend. Friday to Sunday.

The boys were off friday morning. I promptly got sick. Really sick. I was up all night throwing up. By the time morning came we decided to call my OB & they said we should head to the hospital to check baby out. As it turns out, by the time I got there I was having contractions every 2-6 minutes and was SEVERLY dehydrated. So I was in the hospital for 6-8 hours or so. The contractions slowed to no more than one per half and hour & they re-hydrated me through an IV. During this time, over at my parents little Calvin was also throwing up all night w/ the same bug. Poor little kid. Oscar & Darren, thankfully have managed to stay healthy.

Everyone is beginning to doing better now. Slowly getting food back into our system & we'll pick up Calvin & Oscar later today. Mom & Dad say Calvin slept most of last night & didn't throw up at all. Same story for me.

We cannot help but thank God that the boys were not here this weekend. Darren couldn't have handled a 2 year old & 8m pregnant wife throwing up all night alone, let alone gotten me to the hospital w/ a sick kid at home. What a blessing that Calvin had two healthy grandparents to take care of him all weekend & I had a husband devoted only to me!

Thanks to all of you who were praying for us!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Long days of January

We've had a bit of a change in our routine. Our two weekly playdates have been cancelled or postponed. The Edward family moved to Southern California & the Bailly family had a baby - who ended up in the hospital for a week. We are SO looking forward to seeing them again regularly once they are healthy - hopefully next week.
Anyway, we've had to be creative in filling our weeks up. We've started having playdates w/ a good friend of mine who has two daughters about Oscar & Calvin's age. We meet at a place called Me Too which is way cool. Here are a few shots. It gives Shawnna & I a chance to actually talk. Shocking, I know. Here are the boys playing in the playroom & Lauren all dressed up...

We've also added a weekly or bi-weekly trip to the downtown library. We take the max which is an adventure in itself. Jen Bailly made the boys "book bags" for Christmas so this gives them a chance to use them. The dwtn library has story times, a huge children's section & is super fun for them. We even got them each a library card!

And of course there is OMSI - which we hit a few times a month.

7 weeks or so to go before we'll have to reinvent it all again when the baby arrives. Speaking of the baby - we moved the boys into the same room together this month. That is going great. This has freed up the nursery for re-decorating. So I've also spent the last few weeks painting giant navy dots on the wall. It'll give this little guy something fun to look at & make the nursery his own, instead of yet another hand-me-down.