Thursday, May 13, 2010

Too Gross to not share

First let me say if you are not a parent, PLEASE STOP READING NOW. This is WAY too much info for non-parents.

Granny's birthday is this week. She is coming over today to babysit all the boys so I can to to my Bunko (Darren is traveling this week). This morning we decided to make her B-day cookies.
Calvin (3) has been VERY opposed to potty training. VERY VERY opposed to it. Good thing he's cute.
About 30m ago I found a brown chunk of something on the kitchen floor. Assuming it was chocolate, I picked it up. Then I noticed the smell. IT WAS NOT. Then I notice other "chunks" too. I immediately track down Calvin. Let's just say he had a MAJOR pull up failure. Yes.... GROSS.
On the plus side... my floors are spotless now.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

do you have any extra cookies? those look yummy... poo on the floor or not, i'd eat that cookie.