Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It is off!!!

Jack got his cast off today. I'll pause for applause!!

They still use the same horribly loud mini circular saw they did when I was a kid. Poor Jack. They turned on the saw & he lost it. He screamed for 20-30m. They got the cast off then I had to hold him down for x-rays. All while he was screaming.

He was so upset the dr couldn't really examine him so she sent us all out to the waiting room until he calmed down. As you can see he did calm down and started playing w/ his brothers. He has to re-learn his balance but he's all healed!! And Oscar and Calvin were SO well behaved.
The doctors last instruction as we all headed out the door was, "don't let him near hazardous areas for 1-2 weeks). I stopped short. What do you mean? She said no parks, slides, etc. Nothing where he might in his wobbly state re-twist it. Nice. So wish me luck keeping my 3 sons away from hazardous areas for 2 weeks. PLEASE.

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