Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh my...

This has been a very hard week. And yes - I realize it is only wednesday.

We are all sick, Darren, Me, Oscar & Calvin. I am almost 6 months pregnant. Darren left for Texas monday at 5:30am. Monday at 5:31am Calvin and Oscar woke up & our alarm system started beeping repeatedly. Monday night Calvin was up most of it & when he was sleeping one of us was coughing. I got maybe 3-4 hours. Remember I'm sick too & pregnant. Tuesday we visited the dr to find out Calvin has a double ear infection. Calvin didn't nap today (a mystery I realize since he is younger than 2 & sick). So at 5pm he falls alseep on the couch - totally out. I finally wake him up for dinner since he has to eat before his night time dose of antibiotics. He screamed for a full 30 mintues. Like he was being given a shot... apparently he thought he was down for the night. Finally I got him to stop crying & then Oscar breaks down. He had been such a big boy the past few days being sick & all and with Calvin such a basket case due to the ear infections. Poor guy. Then the phone rings. I choose to let it go to voice mail. 15 m later it rings again. Same people. Normally I'd love to chat but keep in mind my voice is shot & one or both kids are crying. So I let it go to voice mail again. Finally we are singing bedtime songs - the kids are about to knock off & the phone rings again. Oscar bursts into tears. He is so gone. Same people. Again, I choose to let it go to voice mail. At this point I can feel my thin outer shell cracking & my eyes well up. I'm about to cry & loose it in front of the kids. I managed to pull it together & they are now both sleeping. My sick husband is on a flight home & I'll probably burst into tears when he walks through the door.

Side note: Why is it that some people just call & call & call until someone answers instead of leaving a message (they never left a message) that says, "hey - it's me. Call when you get a chance?" Now probably these people are reading this & know who they are. Sorry if I sound grumpy. I'm sick & pregnant.

Anyway have you ever had one of those days? Now, I am fully aware that there are many who have it worse & I should probably suck it up & deal. I'm sure in a few days I'll be my normal rock of a self - but for tonight..... I needed to vent.

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